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C.J. Date: The Problem of Missing Information

Alkaa: 18.05.2011
Päättyy: 18.05.2011
Viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä: 29.04.2011
Hinta ulkopuoliselle: 0,00 € (alv 0)
Hinta sopimuskumppanille: 100,00 € (alv 0)
Maksimiosallistujamäärä: 20
Christopher J. Date, Muu

During the lecture, Date will describe the three-valued logic approach to missing information ("nulls") in depth. Both the underlying theory and SQL's attempt to implement that theory will be described. In particular, Date will show why the approach is a disastrously bad one and will sketch an alternative and logically sounder approach.

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