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ISEB/ISTQB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing

Koulutuksen kesto: 3 päivää
Alkaa: 15.01.2018
Päättyy: 17.01.2018
Viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä: 14.12.2017
Hinta ulkopuoliselle: 1 750,00 € (+ alv 24%)
Hinta sopimuskumppanille: 1 570,00 € (+ alv 24%)
Maksimiosallistujamäärä: 15
Minna Aalto, Knowit Oy

The ISTQB/ISEB Foundation Certificate is an international qualification in software testing coordinated by the International Software Quality Testing Board (ISTQB) and organized in Finland by the Finnish Software Testing Board (FiSTB). The Foundation Certificate is awarded to those who pass a written one-hour multiple-choice exam.


Jyväskylän yliopisto, Agora (Mattilanniemi 2), luokka Ag B201


After completing the course you can handle the basic terminology of testing and are aware of techniques and standards. You know different testing tools and are aware of what testing tools can achieve. You know where to find more information about testing and how to establish the basic steps of the testing process. Passing the ISTQB/ISEB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing exam will give you a certificate of your testing knowledge. Course is delivered with Grove Consultants’ English material and presented in English. The certification exam is in English.


ISTQB/ISEB Foundation Certificate - course is intended for IT professionals involved in Software Testing and who would like to gain an internationally accepted qualification in Software Testing. A good knowledge of English is required from the participants. This course belongs to three level testing training entity.

The course will be held in English using English course material.


The price includes the exam.

The price depends on the number of participants.

7 participants: 1570 € + vat
8 participants: 1450 € + vat
9-10 participants: 1360 € + vat
11-12 participants:: 1240 € + vat
13- participants:1150 € + vat

Content and schedule

8.30–8.50Morning coffee
14.00–14.15Afternoon coffee

Day 1

Fundamentals of Testing

  • Why is testing necessary
  • What is testing
  • General testing principles
  • Fundamental testing process
  • The psychology of testing

Testing throughout the Lifecycle

  • Software development models
  • Test Levels
  • Test types: the targets of testing
  • Maintenance testing

Static Techniques

  • Reviews and Test Process
  • Review process
  • Static analysis by tools

Day 2

Test Design Techniques

  • Identifying test conditions & designing test cases
  • Categories of test design techniques
  • Specification-based or black-box techniques
  • Structure-based or white- box techniques
  • Experience-based techniques
  • Choosing test techniques

Test Management

  • Test Organization
  • Test planning and estimation
  • Test progress monitoring and control
  • Configuration management

Day 3

Test Management

  • Risk and testing
  • Incident Management

Tool Support for Testing

  • Types of test tool
  • Effective use of tools: potential benefits & risks
  • Introducing a tool into an organization

ISTQB/ISEB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing – exam


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