
Ota yhteyttä yhteyshenkilöösi ilmoittautuaksesi.


Koulutukseen ilmoittautuminen on sitova. Osallistumisen voi perua maksutta koulutuksen viimeiseen ilmoittautumispäivään mennessä.

Certified ScrumMaster (in English)

Koulutuksen kesto: 2 päivää
Alkaa: 15.05.2017
Päättyy: 16.05.2017
Viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä: 28.04.2017
Hinta ulkopuoliselle: 825,00 € (+ alv 24%)
Hinta sopimuskumppanille: 740,00 € (+ alv 24%)
Maksimiosallistujamäärä: 16
Pentti Virtanen, Tieturi


Jyväskylän Paviljonki, Lutakonaukio 12, room Anton


After the Certified ScrumMaster course the participants know the values and principles of agile software development. In this coaching the become familiar with the thinking and practices of Scrum so that they can start their work as ScrumMasters.

The course includes an online test that will be done at ScrumAlliance’s site after the coaching.

After successful completion of the course and the exam each participant will be designated a Certified Scrum Master. The certification includes a one-year membership in the Scrum Alliance.


ScrumMasters, Scrum team members and also everyone who needs information about Scrum such as software developers, testers, customers, managers, project managers and team leads.

The course will be held in English using English course material.


The price included the online test.

The price depends on the number of participants.

6 participants: 1200 € + vat
7 participants: 1080 € + vat
8 participants: 990 € + vat
9-10 participants: 910 € + vat
11-12 participants:: 810 € + vat
13- participants:740 € + vat

Content and schedule

8.30–8.50Morning coffee
14.00–14.15Afternoon coffeei

Day 1

Agile software development

  • Agile manifesto, principles and practices
  • Why does the agile approach work?
  • Success stories
  • Pitfalls
  • Famous agile frameworks

Scrum overview

  • Zen of scrum
  • Scrum values
  • Empirical process control
  • ScrumMaster
  • Product Owner
  • Self-organizing and self-managing team
  • Activities and artefacts
  • Scrum flow


  • Agile planning
  • Product Vision
  • Agile architecture
  • Definition of done
  • User stories and agile requirements
  • Product backlog
  • Product backlog refinement
  • Acceptance criteria

Sprint planning

  • Sprint planning meeting
  • Estimating
  • Sprint backlog

Day 2

Working in a sprint

  • Daily Scrum meeting
  • Scrum simulation
  • 59 minute Scrum exercise

Agile Leadership

  • Motivation
  • Building successful teams
  • ScrumMaster as a servant leader
  • Daily work of a ScrumMaster

Tracking progress

  • Results
  • Burndown charts
  • Additional visual indicators
  • Sprint termination

Reviews and retrospectives

  • Continuous improvement
  • Sprint review meeting
  • Sprint retrospective meeting

Scrum in large projects

  • Scaling Scrum
  • Enterprise level Scrum
  • Scrum of Scrums meetings
  • Geographically distributed Scrum

Technical practices used with Scrum

  • XP's team coding practices
  • Agile testing
  • Technical debt

Scrum and organizations

  • Utilizing lessons from Lean software development
  • Agile organizations and agile governance
  • Contracts and acquisition
  • Working with traditional organizations



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