Content, level & pace
- All in all an excellent course
- Some things could have been explained a bit more in detail. Some students mentioned in introductions, that they have not used Linux much and still there were times the instructor assumed "everyone knows this" on advanced topics.
- Advanced --> expected more "system-deep" training
- Everything went good.

Material and exercises
- Harjoitustehtävissä voisi olla vähän enemmän ohjeita harjoituksen tekemiseen.
- Good material, very well presented
- There was one exercise (6.) that was not possible to do (my team used more than one hour trying to do it).
- PowerPoint slides were quite thin in content sometimes, at least the abbreviations should be explained more in detail.
- Interesting exercises

- Missing printed training schedule
- No information about getting training certificates
- Need target devices for every participant
- For exercises everyone should have his own board to play with.
- No problems noticed